Performance: The Wait or the Act of Measuring (domestication)
The Wait or, the Act of Measuring (Domestication)
National Festival “10 years of performance in Peru” organized by ICPNA. Lima, 2008. Length: 5 hours.
This performance continues the same questioning about the idea of measuring, using the ideas of structure and discipline as key concepts of the piece.
The work on structure appears through the sounds of alarm clocks. Every half an hour the following happens: First I drink I cup of tea while looking at the audience. I try to look at the with an intensity that would achieve establishing a connection between us, although due to the nature of the action this connection could become very fragile at any time. Then, I sit at a small table in which the clocks are placed along with a typewriter, both elements generating their particular sounds. Next to me there is a book on manners (a Latin American classic, intended especially for women). My action consists of transcribing this book, word for word. To my left there is a clothesline in which I hang each transcribed page as I finish it, so people can read what I’ve been writing. When the alarm goes off I stand up, walk over to a record player and play a waltz to which I dance following steps that are already drawn on the floor. After doing this I eat a flower as a form of self-congratulation. These actions are repeated during the remainder of the time.
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